
学生收到账单通知,他们的堡垒.edu email address about four weeks before the start of Fall and Spring terms and two weeks before the start of Summer sessions.



  • 由于2024年的计费迁移, 授权用户, 银行信息和退款方式没有整合! 所有学生必须在他们的学生帐户套件中重新输入这些信息! 请 登录以设置授权用户 为您的学生帐单帐户.
  • If you are expecting a refund, you will need to set up your refund method again as of Summer 2024.




添加授权用户 to your 学生帐户套件 so they can view and manage bill payments.


Get your financial aid refund deposited directly into a checking or savings account—a secure and convenient way to get your refund.


Students may log into their 学生帐户套件 to download or print their billing statement. 学院将不邮寄纸质账单.


Students are responsible for payment of all charges, including tuition, fees, room, and board.

阅读条款 & 条件


We offer flexible payment plans to help you manage your tuition and fee payments. 注册一个适合你的财务需求和避免压力的计划.



添加授权用户 to your 学生帐户套件 so they can view and manage bill payments. Authorized users can be any third party a student wants to allow access to their 学生帐户套件. 


人口普查 (sometimes called 人口普查 Date) is the official count of student enrollment at FLC; we count at the end of the 12th day of classes for fall, 春天, 夏季学期, 总是在课程第三周的周二. 的 summer term has only one 人口普查 date, even though courses have various start dates.

2024年秋季人口普查: 9月10日星期二


Get your financial aid refund deposited directly into a checking or savings account—a secure and convenient way to get your refund.


学生在他们的学术生涯中可以有两次宽免. 您可以使用豁免来取消延迟付款计划费或空头支票费.

住房 & 餐厅

View details of your housing and 餐厅 plans related to your billing payments on the 住房 & 用餐地点.


If you are currently logged in to your 工作日 portal, you can navigate to the 学生帐户套件.  

  • 选择Financials Hub应用程序, 从我的热门应用程序部分的主页, 或从门户左上角的MENU中选择.
  • Select any of the links in the Suggested Links section on the left to be routed to the 学生帐户套件.

所有车辆在校园内必须有停车许可证. 你可以在网上付款, 记在你的学生账户上, 或亲自付款,并在天鹰站领取停车许可证.



  • FI持有超过1000美元 
  • FL持有不到1000美元 


  • You need to completely pay off your balance before this hold will be removed. 您可以亲自到天鹰站或在线支付账单. 
  • 如果你还清了学生账户套件的余额, 您的持有将在下一个工作日解除.
  • If you need your hold released immediately after you pay, call 空中之鹰站 at 970-247-7301. 


  • 注册课程(如果你欠1000美元以上)


用信用卡或借记卡(Visa)付款, 万事达卡, 发现, or American Express) or an electronic check with a bank routing and account number.

付款s made with a credit or debit card will be assessed a non-refundable service fee of 2.85%. You will see two transactions on your credit card or bank statement: one for the service fee and another for the amount paid towards the student account.

To avoid this non-refundable service fee, we encourage you to pay with an electronic check.


你可以亲自到天鹰站用现金、支票或汇票付款. 支票抬头是路易斯堡学院. 请在备注栏中注明学生姓名或学生证号码.




请 contact the 空中之鹰站 at 970-247-7301 or email 空中之鹰站 for wire instructions.


Students who cannot pay their entire account balance at the beginning of the term may choose to enroll in a payment plan. You can enroll in a payment plan before the 人口普查 to address an outstanding balance and avoid late fees. 你可以选择四期付款或三期付款.  




  1. 联络我们的办公室: askaccounting@877279.com or skyhawkstation@877279.com to be enrolled into a prior-year charge plan; or
  2. 不要签订付款计划,整个学期都要付款. You will have up to the registration date for the next term to have your balance paid in full, 或者至少1美元,000.

通过您的 学生帐户套件.


Students taking a break or leaving FLC permanently can request to be placed on an Extended 付款 Plan.

电子邮件 the Student 计费 Office to understand your Extended 付款 Plan options. 空中之鹰站 cannot set up these plans, and students cannot sign up independently. 

Student 计费 will email you the terms and conditions regarding the monthly payments you will make until your balance is paid. 的 plan allows Student 计费 to take the total of your past-due balance and divide it into 12 monthly payments. 学生账单只接受超过100美元的付款.


的 College has several refund polices related to 金融援助, overpayments, withdrawals, etc. 

  1. 查看已付和到期账单项目的完整明细, 包括历史付款, 登入你的 学生帐户套件
  1. 在门户的左上角,选择My Account
  1. 选择帐户活动.

  1. 在“过滤活动方式”字段中,选择“完整帐户活动”或“日期范围”.
    选择View Activity按钮.
  1. 查看正式对账单, 从学生帐户套件的左上角选择我的帐户.
  1. 选择“报表”,查看计费报表.
  1. 帐单对账单可以以pdf格式从页面下载.

*如果你改变你的时间表,你的余额可能会改变. 如果您的帐单已更新,您将收到一封电子邮件.

  • Make sure you are enrolled full-time (minimum of 12 credit hours for undergraduates and 9 credit hours for graduate students). Contact the 空中之鹰站 if you don't plan on being a full-time student to get your financial aid package adjusted to part-time.
  • Contact the 空中之鹰站 to see if 路易斯堡学院 has received your FAFSA information and a check from your scholarship donor. 
  • 向天鹰站询问你的学业进展情况.
  • 还记得, you must electronically accept the Terms and 条件 of your financial aid on your 工作日 account.


  • 1098T is a form to report qualified tuition and related expenses for possible education tax credits.
  • Qualified tuition and related expenses include tuition and required fees for eligible post-secondary educational institutions.
    • 通常情况下,住宿和膳食不属于合格费用
  • 的 expenses must be paid during an academic period that begins in the same tax year or the first three months of the following tax year.
  • 如果学生没有在邮件中收到1098T, it may be because their balance on the account was less than the amount they received for grants and scholarships.
  • 学生可以在网站上访问和打印历史1098T表格 ECSI网站 正确的纳税年度,如果他们选择这样做的话.
  • Students can access the current tax year 1098T form at the end of January by logging into their 学生帐户套件, 选择我的帐户, 然后是语句. 移动到1098T选项卡查看语句.


  • 一般, tuition and required fees for attending eligible post-secondary educational institutions like colleges, 大学, 职业学校有资格享受教育税收抵免.
  • 的se expenses must be for an academic period that starts in the same tax year or the first three months of the following tax year.
  • 支付学费的奖学金或助学金, 强制性的费用, 或者需要的书, 供应, 而且设备一般是不征税的.
  • Scholarships or grants that cover other expenses like room and board may be taxable.

如果你不确定你的奖学金或助学金是否需要纳税, 阅读IRS主题421,奖学金和研究金.



电子邮件: skyhawkstation@877279.com
电话: 970-247-7301
dropin: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.,星期一至星期五


空中之鹰站 staff will check you in and guide you to a self-service kiosk or connect you with a Skyhawk Specialist or Advisor.